1065-NY: Filing Form IT-204-LL

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You can add Form IT-204-LL to a partnership return by checking the Filing fee box in File > Client Properties > New York tab.

An LLC/LLP doesn't need to file Form IT-204-LL if they don't owe a fee. Enter in the Entity did not have any income, gain, loss, or deduction from NYS during the tax year field on the NYGen screen in the General folder to suppress the fee from calculating on Form IT-204-LL.

Form IT-204-LL is due on March 15th for calendar year taxpayers and there is no extension of time to file. If you file the return after the due date it will be subject to penalties and interest for late filing, which New York will assess. You can find the total penalty and interest on the bottom of Form IT-204-LL. The filing instructions will also list the total of both the line 5 filing fee due plus the total penalty and interest. You are expected to pay this amount with the return via electronic funds withdrawal (EFW).

Note: You can still electronically file Form IT-204-LL if it is late.

At times, you may need to suppress printing or e-filing Form IT-204-LL. To do so, mark the appropriate checkbox on Screen NYLLC in either the General information section or Electronic Filing section. Do not remove this return under File > Client Properties. If you do so, the return will not proforma.

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